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Who am I?

Candidate: Iain Robertson from Mangakahia-Maungatapere Ward - Whangarei District Council

I believe that I am very reliable, outgoing and confident in what I do. I am always striving to perform at the best

Iain Robertson (2008) Self Employed
After public schooling and working in a supermarket I setup my first computer business Celto Computer Solutions at 17. I built up my business and also completed various studies while working up to 4 part time jobs (at any given time) over several years to support myself and my business;
Cleaner; fast-food crew; general laboring; teaching; store-man/warehousing; retail management and issuing officer/counter for two government elections.

Iain Robertson (Now) - Bee Keeper - Thistle Bees

Now I'm in my early 30s and own two businesses operated in Whangarei allowing me to be 100% in charge of my schedule - I would be easily able to prioritize council duties
[Both of my businesses are serious about the environment - My office is fully solar powered and both my businesses produce very little waste]

I was brought up in rural New Zealand so have a great understanding of farming, agriculture and the environment. 
I have dealt with people from all walks of life and from all income brackets.
Some of my clients are multimillionaires and some are beneficiaries but in the end we are all people.

I was diagnosed with a chronic illness when I was 11 years old - I believe this has helped shape my thinking and the fact that I want to leave a legacy for the future.
Goals I have set myself are; giving it my all in an exciting and challenging role, meeting new people, adding to Mangakahia-Maungatapere and the Whangarei District.
I can see myself in this role for years to come.

Things that I don't stand for:

- Ludicrous proposals
- False narratives & misinformation
- Throwing all resources at only a few issues to attract votes
- Financial mismanagement
- "Back room" "deals"  

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